Volunteer Opportunity – Men of Distinction & Boys2Men


As the summer winds down, the Lewisville Independent School District will begin classes on August 15. Loving Community is currently recruiting men to staff their student mentoring teams. Study after study and story after story show how mentors positively impact students —and visa versa.


Men of Distinction (middle school & high school) and Boys2Men (elementary) are unique and award winning mentoring initiatives founded right here in LISD. This year they will be offered on four campuses — LHS Main, LHS Harmon, Durham Middle and Creekside Elementary. 

These groups are led by twelve men from the community mentoring twelve young men or boys. It’s campus of your choice, age group, and day of the week. (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and offers the opportunity to give back, invest in, and enjoy the camaraderie of other men who wish to be the change.

The commitment is two lunch periods a month over  the nine school months (September-May) or roughly 18 hours for the year. One is a group lunch-n-learn with all the guys (we buy). They other a one-on-one lunch (you buy). 

How I see it — one round of golf, 18 holes (fun) OR 18 hours to mentor a young man (fantastic)! If you’re a numbers guy, do the math and there are 195 lunches during the school year and you would be investing 18 of those or about 9% Pretty BIG return in my book!

The full 411 is below, campus, days/times and the four simple steps to sign up. It all begins the second week of September. Sign up today to get the campus of your choice. Contact me with questions. TOGETHER we can make a difference!

Live humbly and kind,


Lewisville High School — LHS Main Campus — Men of Distinction — 11:25-12:25 on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays — Mr. Lanele Lindsey, AP – Campus Leader

Lewisville High School — LHS Harmon Campus — Men of Distinction — 11:25-12:25 on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays — Mr. Melvin Owens, AP – Campus Leader (MOD Founder)

Durham Middle School — Men of Distinction — 12:40-1:40 on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays — Mr. Dan Smith, Faculty – Campus Leader

Creekside Elementary School — Boys2Men — 1:00-2:00 on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays— Mr. Dion Sepolen, Faculty – Campus Leader

Four simple steps to sign-up at volunteer central:

Link to Sign-Up: https://loving-community.net/volunteer-central/ 

  1. Pick your campus to mentor.

    1. Fill out the volunteer application

    2. Complete your background checks (LISD and Loving Community) *good for three years and you may already have one completed if returning volunteer

    3. Volunteer orientation and kick-off cookout scheduled for September 6th @ 6 pm (locationTBD)

Jim Mustain