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What is Men of Distinction?

Men of Distinction is a mentorship program where men in the community volunteer as mentors providing the valuable resources of presence, words of encouragement, affirmation, and modeling. Mentoring groups are school based groups for middle and high school young men with the goal of developing leadership and character traits.

How do the groups work and what is the role of a mentor?

The young men and mentors meet monthly in a one-hour group lunch-and-learn centering on a specific character trait. The luncheon provides time for a check-in conversation, a lunch meal, reviewing a list of positive charter traits, a group presentation by one of the mentors, and then follow up discussion questions. The young men and mentors also meet for one additional one-hour lunch during the month to build their relationship and help apply what they are learning. The groups meet during the school year (9-months) and the overall commitment is approximately 18 hours. Some of the group’s topic list includes:


Work Ethic 

Community Service

College/Military/Workforce - are you ready?

Academic Mindset

Getting a job and keeping it.  What does it take?

Why dress and presentation is important.

What you need to be successful in life.

Being a man - what does this mean?

What are the program outcomes?

The young men and men form a mentor and mentee bond which aids in mutual benefit of giving and receiving encouragement and affirmation. Ultimately it provides an environment where leadership and character can be developed with the hope the “young men will become men of distinction” as they grow and develop in life.